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1. Fibromyalgia & chronic pain syndromes-adult onset.
Kuttikat A & Shenker N. A textbook chapter in the 'Oxford Textbook of Rheumatology', 4th Edition. 2013 🔗
2. Altered neurocognitive processing of tactile stimuli in patients with CRPS.
Kuttikat A, Noreika V, Chennu S, Shenker N, Bekinschtein T, Brown C. Journal of Pain.2018 Apr;19(4):395-409. 
3. Novel signs and their clinical utility in CRPS- A prospective observational cohort study.
Kuttikat A, Shaikh M, Oomatia A, Parker R, Shenker N.
Clinical Journal of Pain. 2017 Jun;33(6):496-502
4. Neurocognitive & neuroplastic mechanisms of novel clinical signs in CRPS.
Kuttikat A, Noreika V, Shenker N, Chennu S, Bekinschtein T, Brown C. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2016 Jan 27;10:16.  ðŸ”—
5. Cytomegalovirus-associated portal vein thrombosis in an immunocompetent patient: an underestimated complication.
Wang T, Kuttikat A, Pulsalkar P, Nanguzgambo A, Bhalara S.
Oxford Medical Case Reports. 2015 May 27; 2015(5):294-6. 🔗

6. Longstanding complex regional pain syndrome is associated with activating autoantibodies against alpha-1a adrenoceptors.
Dubuis E, Thompson V, Leite MI, Blaes F, Maihöfner C, Greensmith D, Vincent A, Shenker N, Kuttikat A, Leuwer M, Goebel A.
Pain. 2014 Nov;155(11):2408-17.  ðŸ”—

7. Musculoskeletal examination and junior doctors: cause for concern?
Nisar MK, El-Essawy B, Kuttikat A, Ramabhadran B, Fishman D. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases. 2012 Jun;15(3):e43-4.  🔗

8. Lemierre's syndrome: a rare cause of septic polyarthritis.
Nisar MK, Kuttikat AV, Ramabhadran B, Fishman D.
Rheumatology International. 2013 Mar;33(3):817-8.  🔗

9. Pharmacological modulation of central nociception in the management of chronic musculoskeletal pain. Kuttikat A, Shenker N. Pain Management. 2011 Nov;1(6):549-56.  🔗

10. A case of polymyalgia rheumatica, microscopic polyangiitis, and B-cell lymphoma.
Kuttikat A, Keat A, Hughes R, Hakim A, Chakravarty K.
Nature Clinical Practice Rheumatology. 2006 Dec;2(12):686-90.  🔗

11. Kaposi sarcoma in a patient with giant cell arteritis.
Kuttikat A, Joshi A, Saeed I, Chakravarty K.
Dermatology Online Journal. 2006 Oct 31;12(6):16.  🔗

12. Renal MALToma: an unusual lymphoma in a patient with lupus. Mortlock AM, Lim CS, Morgan H, Wong TW, Joshi A, Kuttikat A, Chakravarty K.
Lupus. 2006;15(9):613-5.  🔗

13. Rheumatoid arthritis, pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO) and pancytopenia.
Chakravarty K, Kuttikat A, Saeed I, Thompson R.
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2006 Apr;45(4):386-91.  🔗

14. Nasal Wegener's and skin sarcoid--a rare combination of two granulomatous diseases.
Kuttikat A, Saeed T, Chopra B, Chopra S, Chakravarty K.
Clinical Rheumatology. 2006 Nov;25(6):895-7.  🔗

15. Behçet's disease associated with trisomy 8 in a male Caucasian patient from Great Britain--a case report.
Kuttikat A, Haskard D, Chakravarty K.
Clinical Experimental Rheumatology. 2005 Jul-Aug;23(4 Suppl 38):S108-9.  🔗

16. Can clinical symptoms or signs accurately predict hypoxemia in children with acute lower respiratory tract infections?
Lodha R, Bhadauria PS, Kuttikat AV, Puranik M, Gupta S, Pandey RM, Kabra SK.
Indian Pediatrics. 2004 Feb;41(2):129-35.  🔗
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